Watercolours have been a really efficient way for me to get back into painting practice but not feel committed to
the outcome.
I find these initial works have helped me break away any preconceived negative energy I carried after taking a short break from painting in the holidays.
Within the confinement of the A4 page, I felt liberated to make as much of an impression as I wanted, make "mistakes", think about the fluidity of the pigments itself, and using the subject matter as a starting point for experiments.
I really enjoyed this process and Intend to continue to pursue using watercolours to help me refocus, shift and challenge myself from painting large scale to small scale.
I find watercolours a really great tool to practice a non-linear process and intuition through its fluid quality.
Although the same could be said for acrylic and oil, I argue that by watercolours have an immediacy due to its fixed colour "cakes", which oil and acrylic lack. Decisions are made with what is given and mixing, and testing is not an option.
I find this counter-intuitive method paired with the fixed size of A4 page extremely liberating when it comes to quick, intuitive, fluid mark-making.